Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 40: What’s Happening?


…continuing to grow hair and nails.
…keeping up that lung development, too.
…bones are hardening.
…going through (more) major brain development – so he can be smart like his mom!

Mommy’s experiencing…

… more of the same symptoms she’s been experiencing lately: leg cramps, pelvic pressure, trouble sleeping, fatigue, and contractions.
…anxiety! Don’t worry, mommy. Baby will be here soon.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 39: What’s Happening?


…probably able to flex his limbs now.
…brain is still rapidly developing—being a smarty pants runs in the family ;]
…nails may extend past his fingertips.

Mommy’s experiencing…

…false labor. Usually these pains start in the front of the body and ease up when she switches positions. Real labor pains start at the top of the uterus and become more frequent.
…water breaking possibly, in which case she needs to call the doctor.
…more heartburn, hemorrhoids, pelvic pressure, and trouble catching her breath.
…the urge to nest. No stressing mommy, you won’t get everything done.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 38: What’s Happening?


…possibly grown an inch or so of hair already.
…slowly shedding that white goo on his skin (vernix caseosa), although some may still appear at birth.

Mommy’s experiencing…

…”lightning crotch”—shooting sensations through vagina & down her legs—as baby bumps against pelvic nerves.
…continued Braxton Hicks contractions, difficulty sleeping, discharge, an itchy belly, and swollen ankles and feet.
…a “bloody show” possibly—a slightly bloody, mucus discharge that indicates labor is coming.
…diarrhea possibly, which is another sign that baby is coming soon.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 37: What’s Happening?


…practicing inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.
…getting his first sticky poop (meconium) ready for his first diaper.

Mommy’s experiencing…

…an urge to “nest”—clean house in preparation for baby.
…heartburn from baby putting pressure on her digestive system.
…stretch marks.
…increased pressure on her abdomen and bladder as baby drops.
…trouble sleeping. She should get plenty of exercise, drink lots of water, and limit her caffeine intake.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 36: What’s Happening?


…getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on his own.
…skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid.
…liver and kidneys are in working order.
…circulation and immune systems are basically good to go!

Mommy’s experiencing…

…better ability to breathe. Baby is getting ready to descend into her pelvis, which gives her lungs some extra room.
…pelvic discomfort—for the same reason, of course.
…difficulty sleeping. Mommy needs to find ways to relax even if she can’t sleep much.
…more heartburn and swelling in her ankles and feet.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 35: What's Happening?


…hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched sounds.
…testes have probably fully descended.

Mommy’s experiencing…

…frequent urges to pee. Baby boy is pressing down on that bladder.
…constipation. Get a lot of fiber and water mommy!
…continued aches and pains—and maybe even a few new ones.
…an increase in the amount of contractions she’s having.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Baby Registries Updated!

Things have changed up a bit. The Walmart registry has been eliminated. Items have been added to the BabiesRus and Target gift registries, and they will be sent directly to Bridgett's home.  And, again, gift cards are an shipping costs and they can be emailed, too. Click on the links below to get to the registries.
And, if you would rather make a gift or buy outside of the registries, send Big Sis a message and I will reply with Bridgett's address.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 34: What's Happening?


…recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if mom is singing to him.
…urinates about a pint a day…YIKES!

Mommy’s experiencing…

…blurry vision, created by a combo of hormones, fluid buildup and lack of sleep.
…fatigue, which is compounded by the lack of sleep.
…constipation. Get a lot of fiber and water mommy!
…swollen ankles and feet. Make sure you get those feet up!
…pressure in lower pelvis and frequent urination as baby moves downward.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 33: What's Happening?


…keeping his eyes open while awake.
…starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
…bones are hardening.
…going through (more) major brain development – so he can be smart like his mom!

Mommy’s experiencing…

…a metabolic rate that is through the roof, which may leave her feeling HOT!
…headaches, due to hormone fluctuations, stress or dehydration.
…shortness of breath – through she’s probably used to it by now.
…forgetfulness and clumsiness, aka “baby brain”…all totally normal.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 32: What's Happening?


…getting ready for his descent -- he's likely in the head-down position now.
…and he’s probably feeling even more cramped.

Mommy’s experiencing…

…shortness of breath. Don’t worry: baby is getting plenty of air.
…darker nipples, so baby can see them better when it comes time to breastfeed.
…more Braxton Hicks contractions. They might be getting more intense.
…heartburn. Go ahead and pop an antacid.
…Enlarged breasts that may leak.
…Discharge to prepare for delivery by preventing infection in the birth canal.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Guess Baby's Birthday!

Bridgett's bundle of joy is due April 8th!

You know this game.  Some babies decide to arrive super early & some hate to leave the womb. Respond to this post with your guess on Baby Boy's date of arrival to the world outside of mommy's belly.  Winner(s) shall receive a small prize.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 31: What's Happening?


…going through major brain and nerve development.
…going through eye development, too. His irises now react to light!
…all five of his senses are in working order.

Mommy’s experiencing…

…squished lungs, which can make her feel out of breath.
…dry, brittle nails, thanks to all that extra nail growth.
…Braxton Hicks contractions. She should be drinking plenty of water and changing positions often.
…leeky boobs. That’s baby’s first food at birth, called colostrums. Milk comes in a few days after birth.
…back aches. Bridgett needs to keep stretching.
…Difficulty sleeping. Aches and pains, a big belly, pregnancy hormones, heartburn and anxiety are probably contributing factors.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Name Game

Bridgett does not have a name picked out yet, so let’s help her out a bit!

Her daughter and her son both have Arabic first names and Hawaiian middle names. And, she likes to know what the names mean. I think it would be nice for all of her children to have that same pattern in common. However, I don’t think Bridgett is necessarily locked in to it, so suggest whatever you like!

Respond to this post with a suggestion for a first and middle name. In case you didn’t get the memo, “It’s a boy!!”

There are lots of baby names sites out there. Here’s one with tons of names that you can search by origin, gender, or both:

If Bridgett chooses your name for the baby, you will win a PRIZE!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 30: What's Happening?


…skin is getting smoother.
…brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
…now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Mommy’s experiencing

…heartburn, which might be making sleep hard to come by.
…swelling -- it's totally normal, as long as it's not sudden or severe.
…general discomfort, thanks to your big belly.
…shortness of breath. Those lungs just keep getting more crowded, right?
…trouble sleeping, which leads to another issue: Fatigue.
…weird, vivid dreams. One word (a familiar one): Hormones.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ahem, ahem…

I do believe congratulations are in order!

Please respond to this post to leave a special message for Bridgett. She'll love to hear from every one of you :)